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NAOS Technology

(The in-display full-sized fingerprint technology is not described here.)

FOP    NAOS = Normal Absorption Optical Sensor
    The sensor surface is a glass plate, made out of millions of
     fiber optic strings melted together
    The skin ridges touch the sensor surface
    The light absorption at the contact place is measured
    Worldwide unique patented technology

This technology has many advantages in building fingerprint devices. There are two big families of fingerprint scanner you can build using this technology.

The first one is suitable for large high resolution scanner and it’s based on camera technology. The huge advantage of this is a fast and flexible customer design of a new sensor. The scanner surface is  scalable and make large surface scanners possible, such as the passport scanner and also high resolution scanner for better security involving more details of the fingerprints to be scanned. The next big advantage is the ability of scanning behind the sensor surface. That means, you can scan vital data of the fingers as well as documents. The use of color and multispectral technologies combined with HDR imaging enhances the security of the scanner. The way they are build allows the parallel use of antennas for RFID. This way the scanner can read all the information from a travel document. Even more, it is possible to do projections on the scanner surface and to build a kind of display that makes the interaction of the user with the scanner easier.

The second family of scanners using the NAOS technology are thin scanners.
The use of fiber optics allows building extreme flat sensors thinner than 3 mm. No other optical technology allows building fingerprint scanners thinner than the NAOS technology. Its height is suitable for integration in smart phones and tablets at the place of the home button.
The sensor surface is glass, comparable to the surface of the display. The endurance of it is DAKTY4PASS_002better than the one of the display due to the smaller size by same thickness. No other technology has this advantage.

The sensor never goes blind by heavy usage or friction. Any other optical technology has problems with this issue. All sensors capturing the image very close to the finger can be destroyed by scratching the sensor and have to solve the issues by taking mechanical measures against this problem. The Dakty sensor will work even when scratched.  Even in the very improbable case of a scratch of the tough glass surface of the Dakty sensor, the glass surface can be repaired through polishing it. No other sensor can be repaired if scratched.

The sensor has no electrostatic problems at all, similar to the phone’s display, because it is behind the fiber optic plate. Other technologies based on electrical capture have to take sophisticated measures to reduce the electrostatic hazard.
The technology allows the usage as area sensor (home button) or slide sensor. It is possible to integrate a color feedback in the sensor. This unique feature of the Dakty sensor is not available for electrical field sensors.
Anti-spoof and aliveness recognition methods are easy to integrate due to the optical capabilities of the sensor.  The multispectral scan feature below the scan surface allows gathering much more information about the examined finger than any electrical field based technology.

Beside on the smart phones the technology could be also used for professional fingerprint and document identification.

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